18 Mart 2012 Pazar

Are we all the same?

'cause theres no fucking difference 

Do you think the advances in genetics and what we know about human genetics prove that humans are more similar to each other, or that humans are more different from each other?  

Human Genome Project shows that humans have very small number of DNA bases which makes them different from others, although these small differences give quite different physical apperances to each one of us, making us unique. These differences among human beings are in terms of skin color, facial features, or resistance to diseases. In my opinion no genetic group can be considered as superior to another, after all humans belong to the same species called homo sapiens. So how could a genetic group be superior to another if they belong to the same speicies? Plus there is a great likelihood that they have common ancestors, since different genetic groups have blended with each other, and produced hybrid offsprings. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a person who belongs only to a certain genetic group. We might look different from each other. I believe that we are mostly similar because most of us are ruled by common things such as feelings, emotions, opinions, logic, motives, and our ability to communicate, talk, these things makes us different from animals, other organisms and makes us human beings. Humans are very complex and different in their own ways which makes our species interesting and diverse. If we all looked exactly the same, think the same way and do the same things it would have been very boring and there wouldn't be too many things to observe. In such a case, there wouldn't probably be many inventions, creations, arts, different jobs, proffesions etc., so things would have been very different and our lives would have been more simple, less colorful, less developed (for example technology). Variety makes a species diverse, interesting and beautiful in its own way. People need to respect each other and appreciate the difference between themselves and others. They should be aware of the beauty which lies in the variety of our species.

Works Cited:
Pearson Baccalaureate Biology Standard level for the IB Diploma 

2 yorum:

  1. 'after all humans belong to the same species called homo sapiens.'

    I tottaly agree with you. we are all the same. our minds could be different.

  2. talis,

    the way you start to explain human genomo project and then enlightening your idea of 'no genetic group can be considered as superior to another' is just perfectly done.

    I completely agree with your point of view on this issue
