To begin with, cloning and other
advances in genetics cause controversial arguments among people. This is
because these high technologies, researches and studies are new, unexpected, and perhaps no one would have guessed that the science fiction movies we're watching today would one day become real. In addition, we don't know the long term effects of
cloning and the other advances in genetics which are being carried out
these days. Without knowing the cloning process in depth people tend to take a
side on the issue, which seems like an irrational thing to do. Ethical issues
deals with what is right or wrong, good or bad. So people who are concerned
with the ethical issues surrounding cloning need to be well informed before
taking a side on the issue.
There are two ways of cloning one is reproductive
cloning (by differentiated cells) and the other one is therapeutic cloning (by
undifferentiated cells). Reproductive cloning makes copies of the entire
organism, for instance Dolly the sheep was an exact copy of her donor mother.
Therapeutic cloning makes copies of embryonic stem cells which can be used in
medical treatments. Therapeutic cloning made a big breakthrough in medical
treatments. Doctors are now able to grow skin or new heart muscles in laboratories
which can be implanted in to people who are suffering from serious burns or an
ailing heart.
Some people think that both forms of cloning,
reproductive cloning and the therapeutic cloning is unacceptable. Usually
conservative people defend this idea because for them cloning isn't a natural
process on the contrary it is a process in which researchers have the power to manipulate nature and organisms. Therefore, these people say that cloning is wrong and it
should not be done. Some other people think that both are acceptable or
some are in favor of one. These people point out that researches in cloning can
be beneficial for human life and human future, so that it is okay to clone
organisms or cells. The majority of researchers and medical professionals do not
approve the idea of reproductive cloning in humans. Although, recently
therapeutic cloning has become more popular among medical professionals since
it offers a better, more healthier future for humans. In my opinion, cloning
and researches on cloning can be done, however the researchers should try to be
aware of the risks and the consequences of their researches, actions as much as
possible. If cloning turns out to affect organisms, species, or their
environment in a bad way it should not be done. I think cloning
organisms (reproductive cloning) should not be accepted since the cloned organism might have
malfunctions in its body which causes it to have a difficult or a relatively
short life. For instance Dolly the sheep couldn't live a long, healthy, normal
life. Whereas, therapeutic cloning does not harm organisms and has many
benefits for medical fields and for humans, so it is acceptable.
Works Cited:
Pearson Baccalaureate Biology Standard level for the IB Diploma
Heya Talya!
YanıtlaSilI am very impressed with your loooong post :) You gave a really nice respond to the question and made it scientific enough! Well done
You make so good explanations actually it is long but it makes more scientific. Also I like your photo and I agree with you :)